The closing of the Action Day Photography Competition has brought an end to voting from the public to decide a winner
“When we promoted the opening of the exhibition at the Griffith Regional Theatre Artspace we were able to announce James Favero had won the children’s category as he was the only entrant,” said organiser Jason Richardson.

While the Under-18 category was easy to identify a winner, the Open section featured a large number of eye-catching images.
“As a community-driven exhibition it was surprising to see the diversity of photographs entered into the competition and a wonderful collection of scenes from Action Day, which were particularly enjoyed by the Museum’s volunteers.
“The exhibition brought a group of photographers together from the community and included a professional photographer among the entrants, who was displayed alongside ambitious younger snappers.”
Museum staff member Dianne Silvester curated the display and worked with Ray Wholohan from the Griffith Regional Art Gallery to hang the photographs, which were seen by visitors to the Griffith Regional Theatre.

Sponsor Red Earth Ecology are happy to announce that Sarah McCorkelle has received the most votes for her black and white image of the replica of Taylor Brothers Store at Griffith Pioneer Park Museum.
That building is a recreation of the first retail business in what’s now Griffith’s main street and was constructed by the community to house a number of objects from the original commercial premises.
“It’s really wonderful that the Taylor family are behind the counters on Action Day, selling items like broken biscuits that are remembered by older residents as being available at the original store,” said Mr Richardson.
The runner-up was photographer Neil McAliece with an image showing Mark Cunial driving one of the tractors from the Museum’s extensive machinery collection that got a run at the event.
“Despite his youthful appearance, Mark is a veteran of many, many Action Days and his beaming smile is photogenic — so it’s no wonder Neil entered that image in the competition.
“We want to thank all the photographers for sharing their views of Griffith’s long-running Good Friday event and the community for taking time to have a look and cast their votes,” said Mr Richardson.
Action Day in 2024 was one of the biggest events at Griffith Pioneer Park Museum and Red Earth Ecology enjoyed being a part of the day.